Dog Training

Positive, rewarding, stimulating
About my Style

I trained my first dog when I was 10 years old. Training was a lot more brutal then and I quit when the instructors told me to hurt my dog until she complied! 

Thankfully dog training has completely changed and is all positive and rewards-based.

I have taken a 4-day residential dog training course at the Institute for Modern Dog Training (IMDT) and subsequent courses in Behavioural Training. I have also trained my own dog to impeccable standards (well, she's 8 now so she sometimes does as she pleases). 

Training will build your relationship with your dog. Unless you're getting into an obedience ring, training should primarily be for your dog's safety, emotional stability, security, confidence and good manners! 

Dog Training Pricing

Dog Training
6 Week "Perfect Start" Puppy Training

This one-on-one course is taught in your own home at a time that suits you. As much as possible I gear you towards preventing some of the most annoying habits from even forming to minimise that amount of behaviour correction required.

The course is personalised to suit your needs but will cover topics such as:

* Crate Training, Housebreaking, Socialisation

*Reflex to name, Sit, Down


*Homemade Games & Activities

*Conditioning a marker word or clicker

*Eye contact, "gentle"

*Rock Solid Recall


*Drop it/Leave it

*Preventing jumping up, digging, excessive barking, resource guarding, picnic scavenging, begging, counter surfing

*Place, settle, and Go to Bed

*Loose lead heeling


My Three-Pack Training starts with a consultation to prioritise the issue(s) you are looking to resolve. If I think they can be taught in three sessions, this is the package for you.

Other clients have addressed issues such as:

*Improved recall

*Jumping up 

*Barking for attention or barking at the door

*Loose lead heeling

*Resource Guarding & Separation Anxiety (these are both Behavioural issues so I refer on if I think they are beyond my training)

Individual Sessions

Some people simply want a refresher or to focus on only problem area. We can definitely cover something like recall in one session and I'll leave you with homework to practice on your own!